Track your coupon redemptions

In this article, you will learn how to view and track your coupon redemptions.


To view all your coupons, open Coupons from your dashboard.


By default, your coupons are sorted by the newest first. This can be changed on the top right corner of the page.

You can see the Label, Code and Value of your coupon.

Every coupon shows the number of Redemptions and Status.


Under Redemptions, you can see the number of times your coupon has been redeemed out of the maximum redemptions possible.


Redemptions are set to unlimited by default.

You can only change the redemption limits while creating your coupon.

Remember, your coupon cannot be edited after it has been created.

Learn more about redemption limits here


Each of your coupons has a Status:

  • Valid
  • Expired

Unless you have set any redemption limits, the Status will always remain valid.


When creating your coupon, you can choose to set an expiration date or the maximum number of redemptions.

Learn more about redemption limits here.

Once your coupon's redemption limits are reached, the Status will change to expired.


You can check more Details by clicking on each coupon code.

On this page, you can see when your coupon was Created and how long it is Valid.

You can also see the number of Maximum redemptions.


Stripe coupon

The coupon page shows the Stripe coupon ID with a link to your Stripe dashboard.

The Stripe coupon ID matches your coupon in your Stripe account.


By clicking this link, you can see a detailed overview of your coupon's redemption data on Stripe.

Stripe will show you more details on individual customer redemptions and subscriptions.

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