Share and embed your pages

In this help article, you’ll learn three ways to share and embed your custom checkout pages:

  1. Share a payment link to direct customers to your hosted payment page.
  2. Add pages to your website—either embedding them directly or opening them in a pop-up overlay.
  3. Use a QR code so customers can scan and open your hosted payment page.

Pro tip: You can use one option or combine them (e.g., share a link and embed the same page on your site).

Each page you create has its own unique payment link. To find and copy this link:

  1. Edit your page.
  2. Click Share & embed.
  3. Copy the Payment link under Hosted page

You can also:

  • Customize the URL slug at the end of the link.
  • Add a custom domain to your payment link.

More info on sharing a payment link to your hosted page

2. Add your page to your website

To embed your custom checkout page on your own site, simply copy the embed code and add it to your website.

  1. Edit your page.
  2. Click Share & embed.
  3. Select Add to website.
  4. Copy the provided embed code and paste it onto your website.

You can choose from two embedding options:

  • Embed a responsive checkout
  • Open a checkout pop-up

Embed a responsive checkout:

  • The checkout is placed directly on your web page.
  • It automatically adjusts to fit different screen sizes.

More info on adding a responsive checkout on your website

Open a checkout pop-up:

  • The checkout appears in a pop-up overlay.
  • Customers return to your page when the pop-up closes.

More info on adding checkout pop-op on your website

3. Use a QR code

Every checkout page also has a unique QR code that when scanned, it takes customers directly to your hosted payment page.

To access your page’s QR code:

  1. Edit your page.
  2. Click Share & embed.
  3. Select QR code.

From there, you can download the QR code image or open it in a new tab.[

More info on using QR codes