Custom email domain

Send your order confirmation emails from your own email address by setting up a custom email domain.

Send your order confirmation emails from your own email address by setting up a custom email domain.

By setting up a custom email domain, your confirmation emails will be sent from your own address such as instead of our email address (

Please note: to use this feature, you need to subscribe to the Funnel Builder plan.

Benefits of using a custom email domain

  • Brand consistency: Your email communications will align with your brand identity.
  • Increased trust: Customers are more likely to trust emails coming from a professional domain.
  • Easier replies: All replies to your confirmation email will land in your inbox (if you can receive email with the email address you choose)

How to set up your custom email domain

Step 1: Add your email domain

1. Go to your Email settings: Navigate to the email settings in your dashboard.

2. Add a new domain: Enter the domain you wish to use for sending emails (e.g.,

Add custom email domain

3. Configure DNS settings: Update your DNS records to include the following:

  • DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail): Add a TXT record for DKIM to enhance email security and deliverability.
  • Return-Path: Set up a CNAME record for the return-path to manage bounces effectively.
custom email domain dns settings

4. Verify your domain: After updating the DNS records, click ‘Verify domain’ to confirm the domain is configured correctly and ready to send emails.

Step 2: Add a sender signature

1. Create sender signature: Input the name and email address you wish to use for outbound emails. This identity will appear in the ‘From’ field of the emails you send. For example:

  • Name: Your name
  • Email:
sender signature email settings

2. Verify sender signature: Confirm the sender identity to ensure emails are correctly authenticated when sent from your domain.

Step 3: Send a test email

Once your domain and sender signature are verified, it's advisable to send a test email to ensure everything is set up correctly. Verify whether the “from” information matches the sender signature information.

Adding DNS records

Here are some links on how to add DNS records for the most popular domain providers:

Reverting to default settings

If needed, you can revert to using the default email address at any time by deleting the sender signature and email domain.