How do I name my checkout?

This article will help you better manage your checkouts by naming them with a different name than your product name.

We’ve introduced this feature to help those of you with many checkouts manage your dashboard easier.

Here’s how you can rename your one page checkout:

  1. Go to your Checkout Page dashboard and click on your checkout
  2. Hover over your checkout name top left (above the Product name field)

  1. Click on your checkout name
  2. Rename your checkout

  1. Click Save

That’s it, you’ve named your checkout with your own name.

Your checkout name won’t be visible to your customers.

Why name your checkouts?


You have many checkouts, many with long product names, making it hard to find the checkout you’re looking for.


Name each checkout with a short descriptive name.

For example: “Marketing guide PDF”

Instead of: “Email Marketing Made Simple: The Definitive Guide (PDF)”.


You’re A/B testing 3 checkouts that have the same product name but each has different checkout fields.


Name every checkout referencing the test it belongs to.

For example: “Test A, contact details only”

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