Fees and surcharges
Learn how to add percentage fees and fixed amount fees to your payments to charge fees for payment processing. Charge payment processing fees, ticketing fees and more.
You can charge percentage and fixed amount fees on your payments and subscriptions. Use fees and surcharges to:
- charge percentage fees for payment processing
- charge percentage fees for specific payment methods
- charge fees for shipping, handling, and/or delivery
- charge ticketing fees
Fees can be applied to specific payment methods and can be multiplied by quantity and the number of tickets purchased.
How to add fees to a checkout page
- Open your checkout in the dashboard
- Click on the Checkout tab
- Click on Fees and Surcharges
- Add your fees:
- Label your fee: Give your fee a descriptive name.
- Choose fee type: Select either a "fixed amount" or a "percentage" amount.
- Optionally, apply to a specific payment method: Check “Apply to a specific payment method” and select the relevant payment methods.
- Click "Save"
Your fee is now added to the page! You’ll see the new fee in the price breakdown on your page.
Notes about charging fees
Applicable pages
Fees can be charged on both checkout and event pages.
Number of fees
You can charge any number of fees per checkout.
Fee labels
Fees can be labeled however you like.
Fee amount types
Fees can be a fixed amount or a percentage.
Quantity multiplication
You can multiply fixed fees with quantity or number of tickets
- On checkout pages, fixed fees can multiply based on the quantity selector.
- On event pages, fixed fees can multiply based on the number of tickets selected.
One-time checkouts
Fees are calculated over the amount after bulk discounts and coupon code discounts.
When you add fees to subscription pricing;
- Fees are calculated over the amount after coupon code discounts.
- For subscriptions with one-time charges, fees are calculated for the first payment and adjusted for recurring payments.
- For subscriptions with limited-duration coupon codes, fees are calculated after the initial discount and adjusted when the coupon ends.
Setup fee
Fees are also calculated over the one-time setup fee feature.