Managing inventory and stock

Keeping track of inventory is essential for any business. In Checkout Page, managing your inventory and stock is simple and straightforward.

Keeping track of inventory is essential for any business. On Checkout Page, managing your inventory and stock is simple and straightforward.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up and managing your inventory and stock levels within your checkouts.

Inventory settings

  1. Open your Checkout Page dashboard and click on the checkout you’d like to manage inventory for
  2. Go to Settings and then select the Inventory tab

Inventory and stock in Checkout Page

Unlimited stock

By default, your checkouts are set to Unlimited stock.

This means that there’s no limit to the number of items that can be purchased.

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If you’d like to set a specific stock level, follow the instructions below.

Set a stock level

  1. To set a specific stock level, uncheck the Unlimited stock option
  2. A field will appear, allowing you to enter the desired amount of stock for this checkout
  3. Save your changes

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Stock countdown

Every time a customer makes a purchase, the stock level will automatically decrease by 1.

If your one page checkout has a quantity field enabled, the stock will decrease by the number of items specified in the quantity field.

“Sold out” status

Once the stock reaches 0, the checkout will display a “Sold out” label, and customers will no longer be able to make a purchase.

To restock your inventory, simply update the stock level in the Inventory settings.

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