How to set up one-click upsells

We'll go into detail on how to set up one-click upsells on your checkouts, helping you increase your average order value.

Create a one-click upsell

To create an upsell offer, you simply create a new checkout in the dashboard. You can also use an existing checkout as an upsell.

Next, you edit the checkout that you want to show the upsell on.

  1. Open your Checkout Page dashboard and click on your checkout to edit it
  2. Go to the After payment settings and open One click upsell

By default, all checkout pages are set to No upsell.


Upsell step: Redirect to page or replace checkout with upsell

Here you decide if you want to redirect your customer to a new page or a new checkout page.

Replace checkout with upsell

For example, you’ve embedded a checkout pop-up on your landing page and you wish to display a second checkout pop-up on the same page as a one-click upsell after successful checkout.

  1. Choose One-click upsell and then Replace checkout with upsell as your Upsell step
  1. Select your upsell Checkout from the dropdown and Save your changes

Redirect to page with upsell

For example, you’ve embedded a checkout page on your landing page and you wish to redirect your customer to a one-click upsell page after successful checkout.

  1. Select One-click upsell and then Redirect to page with upsell as your Upsell step
  1. Paste your upsell Page URL in the box and Save your changes

Note: the initial purchase should happen on the same domain as the upsell.

If you're using a hosted payment page, your upsell should be a hosted upsell payment page.

If you're using a checkout pop-up or embed on, your upsell should be on (or any other page on

After payment settings

If a checkout page is used as a post-purchase upsell, its own One-click upsell settings and Checkout confirmation & redirect settings will be ignored.

Only the first checkout's One-click upsell settings and Checkout confirmation & redirect settings will be used.

However, Payment notifications settings for the one-click upsell checkout page will be used.

Checkout confirmation & redirect settings

After successful checkout from your first checkout, and then accepting or rejecting your post-purchase upsell, your customer will then see one of the following outcomes:

  • Default confirmation
  • Custom confirmation
  • Next checkout (not a one-click upsell)
  • Redirect to URL

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