How to create an event

A detailed guide on how to create an event on Checkout Page.

With Checkout Page, you can sell tickets on your event pages, manage your ticket capacity and stock, and gather information from your attendees.

To start creating an event, click Create page from your dashboard.

Next, select Event from the three page types (Checkout, Event, and Form).

Select Event from the three page types

Creating an event can be broken down into four main steps - let’s look at each of the steps in detail:

  • Step 1 - Add your event details
  • Step 2 - Add ticket types and ticket groups
  • Step 3 - Customizing your event
  • Step 4 - Sharing and embedding your event

Step 1 - Add your event details

Add details about your event like your event name, start and end date, max capacity, or if your event is in person or virtual.

  • The only required fields are Event name and Currency

Event name (required)

The name of your event.

  • You can hide the event name on your event page
Required field for the event name

Start date and time (Optional)

The start date and time of your event.

  • If you add a start date, you must also add a start time
  • You can hide the start date and time on your event page
  • You can also clear the calendar if you do not want to add a start date and time

End date and time (Optional)

The end date and time of your event.

  • If you add an end date, you must also add an end time
  • To add an end date and time, you must also add a start date and time
  • You can hide the end date and time on your event page
  • You can also clear the calendar if you do not want to add an end date and time

Max. capacity (Optional)

The maximum number of tickets that can be sold from all ticket types.

  • Once the total number of tickets sold equals the Max. capacity, the event and all ticket types will be sold out
  • You can change this number at any time

For more detailed information on Max. Capacity, Group Capacity and Ticket type available quantity, please read this article.

Attendance (Required)

How people will attend your event.

  • Choose between In-person or Virtual
  • In-person events
    • Optionally, add an event Location and Maps link
    • You can hide the event Location and Maps link on your event page
  • Virtual events
    • We suggest you provide a meeting link in the event confirmation or confirmation email
Attendance field is required

Currency (Required)

The currency your ticket types will charge in.

  • Each ticket type will use the same currency
Required field for adding the currency

After completing these details, click Continue to create ticket types for your event.

Later, in step 3, you can add a description and images to your event.

Step 2 - Add ticket types and ticket groups

You can add any number of ticket types to your event.

  • Each event must have at least 1 ticket type
  • There is no limit to the number of ticket groups you can add to your event
  • There is no limit to the number of ticket types (paid and free) you can add to your event
  • Ticket types are contained within ticket groups
  • Ticket types can Paid or Free

Ticket type name (Required)

You must input a name of your ticket type to create the ticket but it can be hidden on your event page.

Ticket type naming is a required field

Ticket type short description (Optional)

A short description of your ticket type.

Ticket type image (Optional)

An image of your ticket type.

  • Recommended resolution (256x256px)
  • Keep the file size as small as possible
  • Cropped into a square
  • JPG, PNG, GIF supported
  • You can choose the display size of the image (small, medium, large)

Ticket type pricing (Required)

Choose between Paid and Free ticket types.

Ticket type pricing is a required field

Paid ticket types

  • Paid ticket types must have a price
  • Optionally, add a Discounted from price

Free ticket types

  • Free ticket types do not have a price

Available quantity (Optional)

The number of tickets available for a ticket type.

  • Once the number of tickets sold equals the Available quantity, the ticket types will be sold out
  • A ticket type's Available quantity cannot exceed its ticket group Available capacity, or the events Max. capacity
  • You can change this number at any time

For more detailed information on Max. Capacity, Group Capacity and Ticket type available quantity, please read this article.

More settings

Click this dropdown to reveal more ticket type settings.

Ticket type min and max quantity (Optional)

The minimum and maximum number of tickets that can be purchased at one time.

  • Only available when Ticket selection is set to Quantity select
  • Available for both Paid and Free tickets
  • Min defaults to 0
  • Max defaults to 10
  • Max cannot exceed the ticket group's Available quantity

Bundle tickets

To create bundle tickets, set the ticket type Min and Max to the same number.

Set your Min and Max to the same amount to create a bundle ticket

For example, a Family ticket for 5 people:

  • Set the Min to 5
  • Set the Max to 5
  • When someone purchases this ticket type, 5 tickets will be purchased

Show available quantity (Optional)

Show the number of remaining tickets from a ticket type.

  • On by default

Hide when sold out (Optional)

Hide the ticket type when its Available quantity is reached (sold out).

  • The ticket type will not be hidden if the event Maximum capacity or the ticket group Available quantity is reached, only when the ticket type is sold out.

Hide ticket type (Optional)

Hide the ticket type visually from your event page.

  • You can hide a specific ticket on the event page by clicking "hide ticket type"
  • You can still pre-select the hidden ticket type
  • You can display and pre-select hidden ticket types by adding query parameters at the end of the event pages' URL
  • You will need to copy the reference of the ticket and paste it in the query parameter
  • The structure of the query parameter that shows hidden tickets is:
  • For example, for the "General Admission" ticket that has a reference of "ticket-general-admission", the query parameter is:

Ticket type reference (Required)

The reference value of your ticket type.

  • Automatically created when saving your ticket type
  • Used a reference value in integration or when using query parameters
  • Can be changed at any time

Ticket type actions

Actions you can take on your ticket types.

Duplicate ticket type 

Duplicate a ticket type when you want to reuse the details and settings of an existing ticket type.

Select Duplicate option from the ticket type actions
  • When duplicating a ticket type, the number of tickets sold will not be duplicated

Disable ticket type

Disable a ticket type if you no longer wish to make this ticket type available.

Select Disable option from the ticket type actions

For example, you may be selling an Early Bird ticket, and when the time comes, you disable this ticket type so that it is no longer available.

  • Disabled ticket types will not be visible on your event page
  • You can enable a disabled ticket type
  • For disabled ticket types - the number of tickets sold will count towards the ticket group's Available quantity, and the event's Max. capacity
  • You can duplicate a disabled ticket type
  • You can archive a disabled ticket type

Delete ticket type

Delete a ticket type when you do not want the ticket type (only possible when you have multiple ticket types).

Select Delete option from the ticket type actions
  • Deleting a ticket type cannot be undone
  • It’s not possible to delete a ticket type if tickets have been purchased, instead archive the ticket type

Archive ticket type

Archive a ticket type if you no longer wish to make this ticket type available, and you do not want the number of tickets sold to count towards the ticket group's Available quantity, and the event's Max. capacity.

You only see the option to archive a ticket type when you have sold a ticket from that ticket type.

  • Archived ticket types will no longer be visible on your event page
  • You can only archive tickets that have been purchased
  • It’s not currently possible to unarchive an archived ticket type
  • You can also archive ticket groups

Ticket type group settings

Ticket groups categorize ticket types. 

  • Ticket types are always within a ticket group
  • There is no limit to the number of ticket groups you can add to your event
  • By default, every event page contains a ticket group called Ticket types
  • Ticket groups can have a short description
Add group button is in the ticket types section

Ticket groups: Group capacity

The number of tickets available for all ticket types within a ticket group.

Add your ticket group and include group capacity
  • Once the number of tickets sold equals the Group capacity, the ticket types within the ticket group will be sold out
  • You can change this number at any time

For more detailed information on Max. Capacity, Group Capacity and Ticket type available quantity, please read this article.

Ticket groups: Ticket selection

How your guests can select ticket types for your event.

Choose how your guests can select tickets
  • Quantity select
    • Select the number of tickets from a dropdown select for each ticket type
    • On by default
    • Can set the minimum and maximum number of tickets that can be purchased at one time
  • Multiple select
    • Select 1 or more individual ticket types from a ticket group
  • Single select
    • Select 1 ticket type from a ticket group

Each ticket group can have its own ticket selection settings.

Ticket groups: More settings

Click this dropdown to reveal more ticket group settings.

Click this dropdown to reveal more ticket group settings

Preselect ticket type

Pre-select a ticket type and number of tickets when opening your event page.

  • Ticket selection is quantity select
    • Choose a ticket type
    • Add a pre-select quantity (optional)
  • Ticket selection is multiple or single select
    • Choose a ticket type

Hide ticket group

Hide the ticket group visually from your event page.

  • You can display and hide ticket groups using query parameters in the event URL
  • You can still pre-select hidden ticket types within hidden ticket groups
  • You can display and pre-select hidden ticket types using query parameters in the event URL
  • You will need to copy the reference of the ticket group and paste it in the query parameter
  • The structure of the query parameter that shows hidden tickets is:
  • For example, for the "Basic" ticket that has a reference of "ticket-basic", the query parameter is:

Ticket group reference

The reference value of your ticket group.

  • Automatically created when saving your ticket group
  • Used a reference value when using query parameters
  • Can be changed at any time

Ticket group layout

Layout settings for a ticket group. See below.

Click here to reveal ticket type layout settings


Choose between a list or grid layout.

  • For grid layouts, choose the number of columns

Display as accordion

Close the ticket group within an accordion


Choose the alignment of the elements within your ticket type.

  • Default
  • Center
  • Stack


Choose between comfortable or compact spacing with your ticket types.

Image size

Choose how large images will be displayed within your ticket types.

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large


Choose to show or hide elements within your ticket types.

  • Ticket group name
  • Ticket type name
  • Ticket price
  • Available quantity

Read this article for more information on ticket types and ticket groups.

Step 3 - Customizing your event

After you’ve created your event and added some ticket types, you can continue to edit your event page in many ways.

  • Add an event description and images
  • Add custom fields
  • Add a discount code
  • Enable payment methods
  • Customize the layout, colors and elements of your event page
  • Customize the confirmation message displayed to your guests, and the confirmation email sent to your guests after booking
  • Setup integrations
  • Add tracking pixels
  • Make test bookings
  • And more…

Step 4 - Sharing and embedding your event

Once you’ve finished customizing your event page, you can choose to embed the event page on your website or link to our hosted event pages. 

This is not an either-or decision. You can do both at the same time and it can be great for conversions to try out both approaches in different scenarios. 

For example, many of our customers embed the event pages on their site and also link to our hosted payment pages from emails, reporting that conversion rates from hosted pages are higher because of less distraction.

1. Click Share & embed

Click here to share your event

2. Copy your event page URL

Copy the URL to your checkout

3. Paste the URL anywhere that supports links

Click here for more information on how you can Share & Embed your page

Making a test booking

Before sharing your event page, make test bookings to ensure everything is set up correctly:

Please note that test bookings do not count towards the ticket availability

1. Click Test bookings

Click here to make a test booking

2. Select your ticket types

Select your ticket types

3. Complete the checkout fields

4. Paste the test card details into the payment field

5. Click Get tickets

We recommend checking the booking confirmation message and confirmation email to verify your event setup.