Add a quantity selector to a variant option

In this help article, we’ll cover adding a quantity selector to product variants.

By using product variants, you can sell multiple product types within the same checkout.

Add a quantity selector to a variant option

It is easy to add a quantity selector to your variant option.

  1. Create page from your dashboard and select Checkout
  2. Go to Variants and Add variant
  1. After naming your variant, scroll down to variant Settings
  2. Select Quantity per option and make it Required
  1. Click Save

Pro tip: Under variant Layout settings, tick Display as accordion to display all variant options as a dropdown.


You can also add a price to each variant option.

Please note: Variant quantity selector only works on one-time and pay-what-you-want checkouts.


Here are some examples of adding a quantity selector to a variant.

Event ticket types

  • Adult - Quantity: 1
  • Child (under 12) - Quantity: 2


Product colors

  • Red - Quantity: 1
  • Blue - Quantity: 1
  • Green - Quantity: 2


Online courses

  • Private class - Quantity: 1
  • Group lesson - Quantity: 2


Manage stock for each variant

After you have added your product variants, you can also manage stock for each.

  1. Set up your product variants as per the instructions above
  2. Under each variant, go to Settings and tick Manage stock and Save
  1. Enter the available stock for each variant and Save

Now, your checkout will show the availability for each variant option, marking those that are sold out.

Conditional logic for variants

Quantity selector works with conditional logic, however, the key is to apply it to the latter conditional variant.


You have set up a checkout for T-shirts in different colors and sizes.

First, your customer will choose the color.

Then they can select the quantity for each size for this specific color.

Learn how to set up conditional logic for product variants here


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