Create a coupon code (discount code)

Learn how to create coupon codes (discount codes) so that you can offer your customers special discounts.

Here's how you create coupon codes (discount codes) that you can share with your customers to offer discounts.

Create a coupon code

  1. From your dashboard, go to Coupons and click Create coupon
  1. Complete the coupon form and scroll down to Save
  2. Share your coupon code with your customers
  3. Now your customers can use this coupon code when they checkout

Fill out the coupon form


Label is the coupon label you will use for your reference; it won’t be visible to your customers.

Example: “First purchase” can be the Label for the coupon code giving a discount on your customers’ first purchase.



Code is a combination of numbers and letters you would like your customers to use to redeem the discount.

Here you can enter the code that you will share with your customers.

Example: you could offer 20% off their first purchase with the coupon code FIRST20.


Discount type

Choose your Discount type – either a fixed amount or a percentage.

A Fixed amount is a fixed amount in the currency of your choice, like $25.

Example: setting a fixed amount of $25 will reduce the total price of your customer’s purchase by $25.

As of yet, it is not possible to set a minimum purchase value for each discount code.

The Percentage will be calculated based on the value of your customer’s purchase.

For example, your customer has a code for 20% off their first purchase. They would like to buy your online course for $50, so entering this coupon code would give them a discount of $10 (which is 20% off $50).


Coupon duration

Select the Duration for your coupon code. This will only apply to subscriptions.

  • Every payment: the discount is applied to every payment for the entire duration of the subscription
  • First payment: the discount is applied to the first payment of the subscription
  • Multiple payments: the discount is applied for the selected number of payments (duration in months)


Redemption limits

Set the Redemption limits valid for a number of times, a date range or limit it to specific checkouts.


Learn more about the redemption limits here

Add a discount code field to your checkout

  1. From your Checkout Page dashboard, click on any checkout
  2. Navigate to Checkout, then Discount code and enable the field


That’s it, you’ve added a discount code field to your checkout!

You can make a Test Payment to try out your coupon before sharing it with your customers.

Learn how to make test payments here

Edit a coupon code

Currently, your coupon codes cannot be edited. If you need to edit your coupon, you will need to create a new coupon code and use that one instead.

Delete a coupon code

To delete a coupon, open the Coupons tab and click on the coupon you would like to delete.

On your selected coupon code page, click the Delete coupon button on the top right corner and confirm to delete it.


Your coupon code cannot be recovered once deleted.