How to add a terms & conditions checkbox
In this help article, you will learn how to add a checkbox with a link to your own terms & conditions to your checkout on Checkout Page.
If you want your customer to agree to your terms & conditions while making a purchase or submitting a form through Checkout Page, you can add a custom checkbox field and use HTML for a link in the label.
Adding a terms & conditions checkbox
Here’s how to do it:
- Open your Checkout Page dashboard and click on a checkout or form to edit it
- Go to the Checkout tab, then Fields and click on Add custom field

3. From the Field dropdown menu, select Checkbox

4. In the Label field, add your link and text in the following format to make your text clickable so that your customers can be brought to your terms & conditions link (this is the general format of the link):
<a href="linktoyourterms">Text</a>
The following is an example of what the link would look like once you've plugged in your details replacing "link to your terms" and "TEXT":
(1) Include the URL of your terms & conditions
(2) Input what you'd like your text to be
(ex. I agree to terms & conditions)
<a href="" target="_blank">I agree to terms & conditions</a>

5. Tick Required and Save your changes
6. Preview your checkout or form to test the link
That’s it! Now you’ve added a link to your terms & conditions.