Managing capacity

This help article shows you how to manage your event capacity with three interconnected settings: Event Maximum Capacity, Ticket Group Capacity, and Ticket Type Available Quantity.

Understanding event capacity

Our event pages have three interconnected settings to help you manage the number of tickets sold:

  • Event maximum capacity: The maximum number of tickets that can be sold from all ticket types.
  • Ticket group capacity: The maximum number of tickets that can be sold from all ticket types within a ticket group.
  • Ticket type available quantity: The maximum number of tickets that can be sold from a ticket type.

The Event maximum capacity is the total limit for the entire event. Within this, the Ticket group capacity sets limits for specific groups of ticket types, and within each group, the Ticket type available quantity limits the number of tickets for individual ticket types. These settings can be combined in any way to manage the number of tickets sold.

None of these settings are required.

How we check capacity and availability

When your guests purchase tickets, first we check if the ticket type has available quantity, then if the ticket group has remaining capacity, then if the event has remaining capacity.

If any of these checks are false, the event page will not allow the guest to proceed with their purchase.

If all of these checks are true, the event page will allow your guest to proceed with their purchase.


Imagine an event with an Event maximum capacity of 500 tickets.

Within this event, there are two ticket groups:

  • General admission tickets with a ticket group capacity of 300.
  • VIP tickets with a Ticket group capacity of 200.

Within the General admission tickets group, there are also two ticket types:

  • GA early bird with a Ticket type available quantity of 150.
  • GA regular with a Ticket type available quantity of 150.

Within the VIP tickets group, there are two ticket types:

  • VIP early bird with a Ticket type available quantity of 100.
  • VIP regular with a Ticket type available quantity of 100.

In this example:

  • The total number of tickets sold for the event cannot exceed 500 (Event maximum Capacity).
  • The number of General admission tickets sold cannot exceed 300 (Ticket Group capacity for general admission).
  • The number of GA early bird or GA regular tickets sold cannot exceed 150 each (Ticket type available quantity).
  • The number of VIP tickets sold cannot exceed 200 (Ticket group capacity for VIP).
  • The number of VIP early bird or VIP regular tickets sold cannot exceed 100 each (Ticket type available quantity).

Event maximum capacity

What is an event's maximum capacity?

Event maximum capacity is the total number of tickets that can be sold from all ticket types.

How does it work?

Each ticket purchase is counted up. When the total number of tickets sold equals the event maximum capacity, the event becomes sold out.

Once an event is sold out, further ticket purchases will no longer be possible.

Managing event maximum capacity

You can change an event's maximum capacity at any time to accommodate more or fewer attendees as needed.

Setting the event maximum capacity lower than the total tickets sold, or to zero, results in the event being marked as sold out.

Disabled ticket types

Disabled ticket types with sales still count towards the event maximum capacity.

Archived ticket types

Archived ticket types with sales no longer count towards the event maximum capacity.


If the event maximum capacity is set to 500 tickets, the event will be sold out once 500 tickets are sold. For instance, if 300 general admission tickets and 200 VIP tickets are sold, no more tickets can be purchased, even if there are still unsold tickets in other ticket groups or ticket types.

Ticket group capacity

What is ticket group capacity?

Ticket group capacity is the maximum number of tickets that can be sold across all ticket types within a ticket group.

How does it work?

Each individual ticket purchase within a ticket group is counted up. When the total number of tickets sold within that group equals the ticket group capacity, the ticket group and all ticket types within it become sold out, even if the overall event maximum capacity has not been reached.

Once a ticket group is sold out, further ticket purchases within this group will no longer be possible.

Managing ticket group capacity

You can change a ticket group capacity at any time to accommodate more or fewer attendees as needed.

Lowering the ticket group capacity below the total tickets sold within the group, or setting it to zero, will mark the entire group as sold out.

Partial sell-out

When one ticket type within a ticket group sells out before another, remaining ticket types will continue to be available for purchase.

Disabled ticket types

Disabled ticket types with sales still count towards the ticket group capacity.

Archived ticket types

Archived ticket types with sales no longer count towards the ticket group capacity.


If the ticket group capacity for Day Tickets is set to 300, the group will be sold out once 300 tickets are sold. For instance, if 150 Day Early Bird tickets and 150 Day Regular tickets are sold, the group reaches its capacity. After this, no more Day Tickets can be purchased, even if there are remaining unsold tickets within the Day Tickets group.

Ticket type available quantity

What is ticket type available quantity?

Ticket type available quantity is the maximum number of tickets that can be sold from a specific ticket type.

How does it work?

Each ticket purchase from a specific ticket type is counted up. When the total number of tickets sold for that type equals the ticket type available quantity, that ticket type becomes sold out, even if the ticket group capacity or overall event maximum capacity has not been reached.

Once a ticket type is sold out, further purchases of that ticket type will no longer be possible.

Managing ticket type available quantity

You can change a ticket type available quantity at any time to accommodate more or fewer attendees as needed.

If the available quantity for a ticket type is set lower than the total tickets sold for that type, or to zero, the ticket type will become sold out.


Imagine there's a ticket type called "General Admission" with a limit of 300 tickets available. This means only 300 tickets for "General Admission" can be sold. Once 300 tickets are sold, "General Admission" tickets are sold out, and no more can be purchased.

Tips for managing capacities

  • Monitor sales: Keep an eye on ticket sales to make adjustments if needed
  • Communicate clearly: Inform your attendees about ticket availability to manage expectations.
  • Review regularly: Regularly review your capacities and adjust as necessary based on demand and event logistics.