Google Sheets integration
Send payment data and submissions to Google Sheets spreadsheet every time you make a sale.
Learn how to integrate with Google Sheets to instantly track payment data and submissions, forecast sales, use it as a CRM and streamline your workflow. You can also use this integration for lead tracking, sales forecasting, task management, and CRM.
How it works
A new sheet will be created with the same name as your checkout. Each time a new payment, subscription, or submission is made, it will instantly appear in your Google sheet without any delays or hassle.
You have to activate the integration for every checkout individually.
Once set up, you can:
- Change the name of the sheet
- Move the sheet to a different folder in your drive
- Rearrange columns in the sheet, and the integration will adjust accordingly
- If you add new variants or fields to your checkout, new columns will automatically be added
- You can delete rows (payments)
How to connect Checkout Page with Google Sheets
Here’s how you can set up the integration:
- From your Checkout Page dashboard, click on the checkout you’d like to edit
- Open the Settings tab and then Integrations dropdown
3. Click Add integration for Google Sheets
4. Click to Log in to Google and then Activate integration
5. Once activated, you can access your spreadsheet through this link
Example spreadsheet
This is how it looks once you have set up the integration.
We recommend that you make a couple of test payments to ensure that everything works as expected.
You can then delete those test payments rows and move columns around in the order of your preference.