Duplicating checkouts

In this help article, we'll show you how to duplicate checkouts to make selling easier.

There are multiple advantages to duplicating your one page checkouts instead of creating a new one every time you want to sell.

  • Create a checkout template
  • Sell your products faster
  • A/B test your checkout conversion

Create a checkout template

You can create a one page checkout template and duplicate it every time you want to add a new checkout.

Add all the fields and style your one page checkout so you don’t have to do it from scratch every time.

This way you can quickly fill in the necessary details and leave the rest the same to keep it consistent.

  1. Create checkout from your dashboard
  2. Go through the form to set up your template
  3. Return to Checkouts on your dashboard and click the drop-down arrow next to the checkout you want to duplicate
  4. Duplicate your checkout


That’s it, now you’ve created a one page checkout template!

Pro tip!

You can rename the checkout by clicking on it from the dashboard and hovering over your checkout name top left (above the Product name field).


Learn more about naming your checkout here

A/B test your checkout conversion

You can easily create different checkout layouts for the same product to see which one generates more sales.

The easiest way to do it is by duplicating your checkout and making adjustments, so you don’t have to start from scratch every time.

To Duplicate your checkout, click on the drop-down arrow next to your checkout from the Checkouts tab on the dashboard.

You can check your checkout’s Analytics by clicking on the Payments button next to each checkout from the Checkouts tab.


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