Subscription pricing
In this help article, we’ll cover how you can use recurring pricing to sell subscriptions.
Subscription pricing is a rolling payment plan, recurring at the interval of your choice.
Simply create your one page checkout and select Subscription as your pricing.
How to create subscription pricing
- Create a checkout
- Select Subscription as your pricing
- Set your Amount under Price
- Select your Currency
- Select how often the payment Repeats (daily/weekly/monthly/every 3 months/every 6 months/yearly)
- Optionally, check the box if you’d like to:
- Add discounted from pricing to show the original price of your subscription
- Offer a free or paid trial and enter the number of days
- Charge a setup fee along with the first subscription payment
- Select price from Stripe to reuse products and prices from Stripe
7. Click Create checkout
8. Now you’ve created a checkout with subscription pricing!
“Discounted from” pricing
You can choose to add a strike-through price to your subscription to show the discount you’re offering.
Select Add discounted from price and enter the original price of your subscription.
Learn more about “discounted from” pricing here

Trial periods
Set a period of days where your customers can try your product without being charged.
Tick to Offer a free or paid trial and enter the number of days.
Your customers will be charged as soon as the trial period ends.
Free trial

Your customer purchases a subscription on May 3 at 14:00 with a 7-day trial period.
Your customer will be charged on May 10 at 14:00.
Learn more about free trial here
Paid trial
If you choose to add a paid trial, the setup price will become the trial price.

Setup fee
You can charge a one-time setup fee to your customer when they sign up for a new subscription.
Your customer purchases a subscription of $49 per month and a $199 initial setup fee, charged once.

Learn more about setup fees here
Select price from Stripe
When you set up a new subscription or payment plan, Checkout Page automatically creates a new price for you on Stripe. This price mirrors the settings from Checkout Page and bills your customers accordingly.
If you are an existing Stripe user and have already set up a number of products on Stripe, you can easily reuse one of your existing payment plans or subscriptions by selecting a price from Stripe.

This way you can keep your Stripe account organized, subscribing your customers to the same plan you have already been using and reuse the same price across multiple checkouts.
Learn more about selecting prices from Stripe here
Subscription management for customers
Your customers can manage their subscriptions in your customer portal.
They receive a link to your portal in the payment confirmation email.
To see the link to your customer portal, open Settings from your dashboard and click on the Customer portal.

A customer can access your customer portal by filling in their email address. They will then receive an email with a link that provides access to the portal for 20 minutes.