Multiple product variants checkout form

Multiple product variants checkout form

Looking to expand your online business and provide more options for your customers? With Checkout Page, you can create a custom checkout experience that includes custom product variants to cater to different customer needs. The best part is, you don't need any technical expertise to get started - it's just a few clicks away!

By offering product variants, you can increase customer satisfaction and build loyalty over time. Giving customers a range of options to choose from caters to different tastes, preferences, and requirements, which can lead to more sales and repeat business. Additionally, offering premium versions of your products or services can encourage customers to upgrade and spend more, leading to increased revenue and growth for your business.

Rest assured that your transactions are secure with Checkout Page's integration with Stripe, one of the most trusted payment processors in the industry.

How Checkout Page works

  • Step 1: Create checkout pages for your products and services
  • Step 2: Embed these checkout pages on your website using a few lines of code or share a hosted page, or display a QR code
  • Step 3: Start making sales and collect data, with payments processed through Stripe

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