Payment confirmation previews & send yourself a test email!

Payment confirmation previews & send yourself a test email!

by Andy NelsonPublished on Feb 16, 2022
Payment confirmation previews & send yourself a test email!

If you want to show your customers a custom message or send them a custom email after they’ve made a payment, then this update is for you.

Today we are announcing live previews for custom confirmation messages & emails. Plus, send yourself a test email!

Use custom messages & email confirmations to thank your customers in your own words or send detailed instructions on what comes next.

With live previews & sending yourself a test email, you see clearly what your customers will see or receive after they make a payment.

Let's take a look at the update in a little more detail.

Checkout confirmation message

Write your own custom confirmation message & preview the message whilst you’re working on it

  • Choose between our default message / your own custom message
  • Live preview of the confirmation message
  • Use payment & customer tags to dynamically insert data into the custom message

Checkout confirmation email

Write your own custom confirmation message & preview the message whilst you’re working on it. When you’re ready, send yourself a test email.

  • Choose between our default message / your own custom message / no email
  • Live preview of the email message
  • Send yourself a test confirmation email
  • Use payment & customer tags to dynamically insert data into the custom email

Customer & merchant confirmation emails

Simplified email designs that focus on key information & calls to action.

  • Get the most important payment information
  • Easier access to downloads, license keys, payment & subscription management for customers
  • Easier access payment & customer management for merchants

That’s it for this update & we’re already working on the next.

As always, our ears are open we’d genuinely love to hear your feedback.

Thanks for your time & choosing to accept payments with Checkout Page.

Ready to start selling? Start your free Checkout Page trial—no credit card required.

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Andy Nelson

Andy Nelson

Andy is co-founder of Checkout Page and has over 20 years of experience in the web industry. He has a passion for building great products, making online commerce more accessible and guiding people to grow their business.

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