We’re super excited to share this new, modern checkout design with you. Now you can add your logo, link back to your site, customize pay button colors & more.
You can now also preview your payment links in the pop-up without needing to add the pop-up to your site.
Let's take a look at this update in more detail. First off, why did we make these changes?
What we heard from you
After collecting together your feedback, these points stood out.
- Give the checkout a more modern look & feel
- Let us add our logo to the checkout
- Make the pay button bigger!
- Required fields don’t show up as required
- More checkout customization options, please
- We want to be able to preview the checkout pop-up before needing to add it to my site
Before we go on, just a note to say that we appreciate your feedback & it has helped guide us when working on this update.
Some common problems we saw across payment links
After auditing hundreds of checkouts, these common issues stood out:
- Checkouts can sometimes be too tall when there are multiple variants & fields (especially when trying to capture billing or shipping addresses)
- The heading "Customer information" didn't describe the underlying fields well
- In Preview, the test card details are easy to miss and it's unclear that these won't be shown on live checkouts
In future updates, we hope to make collecting customer information like billing or shipping addresses much easier & have less impact on the checkout height.
All-new modern checkout redesign
We heard you loud & clear on this one. “The checkout looks a bit dated, can you make the design more modern?”.
We’ve reconsidered every element, every form field & how the pop-up opens. Our goal is to make your products shine & provide your customers with the best possible experience.
- Single box design, removing separate checkout sections
- Clearer product name & price layout
- All new product variants experience
- Modern form fields & labels styles
- Clearly label required fields
- Improved pop-up loading experience
- Removed “Customer information” & “Payment details” headings

Add your logo
We want our customers to know they’re buying from us. Is it possible to add our logo to the checkout?
We understand the importance of adding your own branding & now you can add your logo & use it to link back to your site or social profile.
You can add your logo & site link in your store settings.
If you don’t want your logo to show up on all of your payment links, simply uncheck “show store logo” in the payment links “Design”, “Appearance” tab.
- Add a store logo
- Link to your site or social profile
- “Show store logo” toggle per payment link
More checkout styling options
I think it would help with conversion if the checkout looks & feels like my own site. It currently feels like the checkout takes my customers somewhere different.
Our approach here is to maintain a balance between a modern & clean checkout design and the look & feel of your site.
- Customize your pay button background color & text color
- “Show store logo” toggle
- Show “Payments are secure & encrypted” toggle
Remember, our custom CSS option allows you to go much further with customizing the look & feel of your checkout experience.
Store settings
We’ve beefed up your store setting to give you more control over how you present yourself to your customers.
- Store name
- Add logo
- Store name in links
- Site URL
Over time, we hope to provide you with a storefront that will allow you to showcase all of your payment links together.
We’d love to know if this is something you’d find valuable.
Pop-up preview
Is there a way to preview the pop-up without first adding it to my site?
Yup, that wasn’t a great experience :/ We know people love the pop-up, so naturally, you want to see what your customers will see when putting your payment links together.
Now you can easily preview your payment links in the pop-up by simply clicking “Preview in pop-up”. Joy :)
That’s it for this update. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be hard at work making Checkout Page even more awesome.
As always, we’d genuinely love to hear your feedback on the update.
Tell us what you love, what could be better & what would be a game-changer for your business.
Sander & Andy
Checkout Page