Eventbrite pricing change: what it means for you

Eventbrite pricing change: what it means for you

by Sander VisserUpdated on Mar 22, 2024
Eventbrite pricing change: what it means for you

Eventbrite has just announced a change to their pricing. If you use Eventbrite or are thinking about using it for an event you're organizing, you need to know what's new.

In this article, we'll quickly go over Eventbrite's new prices and then talk about the big changes and what they mean for you.

A quick rundown of Eventbrite's pricing changes

Alright, so Eventbrite has made a few changes. Let's break them down in an easy-to-understand manner:

New fees on the horizon: First off, if you're planning to have more than 25 guests at your event, you’ll have to pay a fee. This applies to both free and paid events. The fee amount? Well, it's based on how big your event is.

Who should pay attention: Not everyone will feel the effect of these changes straight away. If you started using Eventbrite after certain dates in mid-2023 in countries like Canada, the US, Australia, and a few others, you should pay close attention. Others will see these changes later in the year.

The basics of new plans: Eventbrite is offering two main plans now:

  1. Flex: Think of this as a pay-as-you-go phone plan. You pay each time you host an event. The price? It's set by how many guests you’re inviting. For example, if you're in Australia and have 60 people coming over, you’ll be paying A$14.99 for that event.
  2. Pro: This is like your regular monthly phone contract. You pay a fixed amount each month. How many events can you host? As many as you want. However, there's a cap on the number of guests and emails you can send out daily.

Making payments: When it's time to pay the fee for your event, you can do it in two ways. Either pay straight away using a card or let them take it from the money you make from ticket sales.

Changing your guest list: If you already decided on a number of guests but later want more, you can. But, there might be an extra fee. For instance, if you've already paid for an event with 40 guests in the US and then decide to bump it up to 120, you'll have to pay an additional amount.

Regular vs. Pro: If you have events that happen again and again, like a weekly yoga class, the Pro plan is your only option.

In a nutshell, Eventbrite's new pricing model is about giving you choices. Depending on how often you host events and how many people you invite, one of these new plans might just be a good fit for you.

Eventbrite's new pricing explained

Eventbrite's pricing tweaks might sound a bit complicated, so let’s break it down in simpler terms:

Understanding the new costs: Let’s say you’re hosting a small event in the UK. If you have a guest list of 30 people, you'll now need to pay £7.99. Now, imagine you host four such events in a month. That’s going to cost you about £32 extra each month just for those events. Over a year, those costs can add up quickly.

Choosing the right plan: Think of the Pro plan as a monthly subscription, like your Netflix. It's great if you're hosting events all the time. But, remember, there are different types of Pro plans. The basic one in the US, priced at $29 per month, allows events with up to 100 guests. But if you suddenly want a bigger party with more than 100 guests, you’ll need to pay a bit more.

Changing your mind: If you’ve already decided on 80 tickets for your US event but later think, “Let’s make it 150!”, you'll have to pay an extra $15. Just something to keep in mind when planning.

Stopping or changing your plan: If you're on the monthly Pro plan but decide it's not for you, you can cancel. But, it won’t stop right away. You’ll still be on it till the end of the month. So, if you wanted to switch to a different option quickly, you'd have to wait a bit.

Goodbye to Eventbrite boost: If you're currently using Eventbrite Boost, know that it will soon change to the Pro plan. It's supposed to be an easy switch, but changes can sometimes be a surprise.

Extra ticket costs: Lastly, these new fees are different from the usual ticket charges. If you sell a ticket, there's a separate small fee for that, which either you pay or your guest does when buying the ticket.

All in all, it's about knowing these changes and figuring out what's best for your event needs. Things are changing in the world of events, and being in the know will help you make the best choices.

Eventbrite vs. Alternatives

In the ever-evolving world of event management and ticket sales, being tied to one platform can sometimes feel restrictive. Imagine hosting an event and feeling like you're wearing a shirt that doesn't quite fit. It might do the job, but it's not perfect.

Platform ties: Working exclusively with platforms like Eventbrite can sometimes mean you're limited to their terms, their design, and their rules. Every event you host? It's under their brand's umbrella, not yours.

The power of personal touch: In today's digital age, branding is everything. Your event, whether it's a small poetry reading or a medium-sized business seminar, should scream you – not a third-party platform. Having the ability to customize ticketing and registration can be a game-changer. When attendees register, they should feel connected to your event and brand, not just another generic ticket site.

Think about it this way: a golden ticket to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory wouldn't feel as special if it just said "Admit One" on a bland piece of paper. The magic was in the unique design and promise of the experience behind it.

Now, imagine being able to infuse such magic into every event you organize. Your branding, your design, your rules.

In the next section, we'll introduce you to Checkout Page, an alternative that might just be the game-changer you're looking for.

Introducing Checkout Page – The smarter choice for event organizers

Let's picture the realm of event management as an expansive marketplace, bustling with choices. Amongst the stalls, a beacon shines through: Checkout Page. But what makes it stand out?

Tailored for you: Designed with the small to medium event organizers in mind, Checkout Page understands that not all events are grand stadium concerts or massive conventions. Whether it's an intimate workshop or a regional seminar, each event is unique and deserves the limelight.

Your brand, front and center: Imagine creating tickets that seamlessly blend with your brand. From color schemes to logos, Checkout Page allows you to weave your brand's essence into every ticket, giving attendees a taste of the experience even before the event begins.

A flexible experience: Events are dynamic, and so should be your registration process. Whether you want a simple sign-up or a detailed attendee questionnaire, you decide. With Checkout Page, you get a canvas to design your registration, ensuring it aligns with the nature and requirements of your event.

Freedom from chains: The digital age offers so much potential, and being tethered to a single platform can be limiting. With Checkout Page, you're not just another event on a large platform. You're in the driver's seat, making decisions without platform-specific restrictions.

Predictable and transparent pricing: One of the most comforting feelings is knowing what you're going to pay. With Checkout Page, you're introduced to a transparent monthly subscription pricing starting at just $29/mo. No ticket fees, no hidden charges, just simplicity and predictability.

In the following section, we'll dive deep with real-world examples to see how this all plays out in practice.

How is Checkout Page different from Eventbrite?

Storytelling can sometimes be the most potent tool in understanding the real value of a product. So, let's take two tales from the realm of event organizing to draw a clearer picture.

Example 1, Seminar Magic: Sarah, an independent career coach, is organizing a seminar about "Career Development in the Digital Age." With an expected audience of 150 professionals, she's in search of the best platform to sell her tickets.

Eventbrite Route: On Eventbrite, her event fits into a pricing model that charges her a fee for every ticket she sells. While the platform gives her event a spot, it’s amidst a sea of other events. The branding is largely Eventbrite's, with a smidgen of Sarah's seminar vibe.

Checkout Page Route: With Checkout Page, Sarah is given a canvas to craft her ticketing page. It's her brand colors, her seminar's theme, and she gets to create a tailored registration experience. Pricing is predictable with the monthly subscription. And the best part? Each of her attendees gets a distinct taste of what her seminar is going to be like right from the registration process.

Example 2, Local Theater Brilliance: The "Downtown Dramatics" is a local theater group in Austin. They're premiering their play, and tickets are crucial.

Eventbrite Route: Listing their play on Eventbrite, they do get a decent platform. However, amid other events, it's easy for their unique play to get lost. And every ticket sold chips a bit away due to the platform's fees.

Checkout Page Route: On Checkout Page, the group gets to design a ticketing page that feels like a theater. Dark, elegant themes, a spotlight on their play's poster, and a simple registration process. Attendees feel the theatrical experience from the get-go. And yes, the pricing remains predictable.

These tales tell of more than just two platforms; they speak of freedom, customization, and the joy of standing out.


In the vast ocean of event management platforms, the choices can sometimes be dizzying. But the essence of a good choice always boils down to what you value most: Is it just about listing an event? Or is it about creating an experience, a prelude to what the actual event will feel like?

Eventbrite has undoubtedly cemented its place as a giant in the industry. Its utility is vast, but as with all things large, there's often a loss of personal touch. On the other hand, alternatives like Checkout Page emerge as platforms that embrace individuality. They understand that every event, whether it’s a massive expo or an intimate poetry slam, has a unique heartbeat. And it deserves a platform that can match its rhythm, its branding, and its vibe.

A predictable pricing model, freedom from the confines of a marketplace, and the joy of creating a truly customized event registration process—these aren't just features. They're empowering tools for every event organizer.

So, as you venture forth into organizing your next big (or small) event, remember this: Platforms are tools. But the art, the emotion, and the experience lie in how you wield them. With Checkout Page, you're not just an organizer; you're an artisan.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Eventbrite free?

Eventbrite isn't completely free anymore. While you can still use it for free to create and manage events with 25 attendees or less, there are fees for events with more people.

When did Eventbrite start charging?

Eventbrite no longer offers a free tier for most events. Since July 2023, organizers need a paid plan if their event has more than 25 attendees.

This change impacts the way many people used Eventbrite, especially for free community events. While some understand the need for fees, others are disappointed.

The bottom line: If you're planning a larger event on Eventbrite, be prepared to pay.

Ready to start selling? Start your free Checkout Page trial—no credit card required.

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Sander Visser

Sander Visser

Sander is co-founder of Checkout Page and has over 10 years of software engineering experience. He is fascinated by technology and helping people reclaim their freedom by making a living online.

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